Geese Relief for Athletic Fields

photo of a soccer field

Schools and parks in Connecticut often have athletic fields. Unfortunately, these are popular places for Canada geese to graze. Since the fields are normally not in use and have plentiful grass, these grazing birds will find it comfortable to hang out. However, geese are known for messy droppings and this can ruin a soccer, football or baseball field and make games extremely unpleasant. No one wants to play on a field that is littered with goose droppings and the time it takes to clean up can be very long. A simple solution is to rid the fields of geese with trained goose dogs.

When players take to the field the birds will temporarily leave and wait for practice and games to end so they don't pose any physical threat to the athletes. But, their copious droppings will make the playing surface ugly and foul-smelling which can cause some people to become ill. Once Canada geese have found a place they like it can be very difficult to remove them. However, with the highly-trained goose dogs at Geese Relief we can help rid your field of pesky geese and keep them away.

We use intelligent and determined Border Collies to rid Connecticut athletic fields of Canada geese. With their dogged persistence, wolf-like stare and intensity, these dogs have proven to be the best deterrent for Canada geese. If you are having geese trouble on your school or park athletic field, contact Geese Relief today.

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Geese in a pond
Grass lawn killed by geese
Geese in a lake